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6 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Slightly inappropriate #5

You may amuse yourself by reporting, but we have our first Donald Trump Arena over there, name written in caps. I just pointed out to overwhelming consequences.

Lichess Feedback - Slightly inappropriate #3

This naming stuff can create a lot of interesting debate, but anyway... Seeing your comment I'd like to open a Stalin, Remove Kebab or Deus Vult Arena for a start

Lichess Feedback - Slightly inappropriate #1

1. What would be considered "slightly inappropriate" by mods for an Arena tourney name? 2. By players in general? 3. By you? My answers: 1. Snowflake Arena 2. N-word Arena 3. (random porn title+my mom…

Lichess Feedback - Swiss tournaments on Lichess#3

This is not Swiss, I guess
