
Search "user:davesho"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Problem with downloading PGN files#15

Has there been a resolution for this problem?

Lichess Feedback - Messages under the notification sign#5

Thanks for your reply and suggestions! she showed me an easier way to find the studies......under profile go to studies then "studies i contribute to" The way i was doing it was to find it or trace it…

Lichess Feedback - Messages under the notification sign#3

Yes i have, it's not the same. My chess teacher sends me links for chess puzzles and studies. These links do not appear in the inbox under their name.

General Chess Discussion - Computer or engine ratings#3

hmm...interesting. I totally agree with you that it's definitely lower than given. Im around 1800 or 1850, with level 6 i'd say it's 50/50 win/loss, maybe it has a slight edge on me but today i drew c…

Lichess Feedback - Messages under the notification sign#1

After exchanging messages with friends for a while, the messages under the notification symbol (the bell beside the user name) accumulate and it becomes a hassle trying to trace down an important old …

General Chess Discussion - Computer or engine ratings#1

When playing against the computer on this site, as you know each level has a rating. For example, level 6 is rated 2300, level 7 2700 etc. My question is, how valid is this rating? How did they come u…
