
Search "user:Goet"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Strange analysis / engine failure?#8

@MrPushwood I see you're a man of culture ;) yeah I play that double B sac since I found out that little Lasker gem <3

Lichess Feedback - Strange analysis / engine failure?#6

@XxTDSxX and @GreatBigTiger I'm indeed talking about the lichess server analysis tool, and also @XxTDSxX ciao bello! ;) @CheckingTruth yeah you got it @danegraphics true, but still... I mean: i play t…

Lichess Feedback - Strange analysis / engine failure?#1

Hey friends : ) I'm analysing my last bullet game with the lichess built-in feature but something doesn't look entirely right to me: since 18.Bxh7 seems killing, …

Lichess Feedback - Unable to install lichess app on Google play store#1

I've a Samsung s3 mini GT-I8190N and I was able to install the app and play for a long time. Since there are no more updates for the operatiing system of my phone model, recently I tried to flash it w…
