
Search "user:Lexia"

62 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Monthly classical tournaments winners#4

There should be an official lichess page that shows all winners of major tournaments.

General Chess Discussion - Broken Puzzle#1

I really couldn't help but laugh, and cry at the same time. It's a mate in 4. Kf6 Kg8, and then a waiting move by the bishop. Anywhere on the diagonal should be go…

Lichess Feedback - Why in 0+1 games the time warning is at 10 seconds?#4

Why not make time warning customizable.

General Chess Discussion - A Unique Training Feature#9

Thanks Pegasus. Of course I use the engine to check for different moves. but I still think it'd be nice to see other user's comments, and different variations. And it's also faster this way. And btw, …

General Chess Discussion - A Unique Training Feature#6

#4 what if the tactics rating was shown next to the name of the user that left a comment. that way, you can choose to click on someone's comment with a high rating, and their arrows and variations wou…

General Chess Discussion - A Unique Training Feature#3

No, It's just an idea. I was saying that no website has it. And would like to see it here.

General Chess Discussion - A Unique Training Feature#1

This is an idea for the tactics trainer that is not in any other website. It would be kind of like the study feature, after the puzzle is done, you can contribute and draw arrows and comments. and add…

General Chess Discussion - Study: 50 blitz games vs GM#10

Oh, I didn't notice the other chapters in this study. I only saw the other studies. Yes, this study feature is really cool. and very helpful. Thank you Lance for your words. And good luck to you too.

General Chess Discussion - Study: 50 blitz games vs GM#8

Thank you Lance. Very nice game. Endgames are my favorite part of chess, and this game is a good example of a difficult endgame. Also, it was And very easy to follow and understand your ideas because …

Lichess Feedback - Bugs#1

In analysis page, when pressing f to flip the board, everything at the bottom disappears. In analysis page, and in tactics trainer, en passant capture does not have a capture sound.
