
antisemitism on lichess

Not sure if this is worth a reaction, but i just find it a bit interesting that i've seen a lot of anti-jew propaganda in the chat lately, primarily from "schutstaffel" or something similar and a user calling him/her self "jewkiller". What i find interesting is that these people are pretty good chess players. I used to think chess in itself would in some way train ones intelligence, but not anymore. At all.

what do you guys think? , it's more of a philosofical wonderingmore than a rant i suppose...
Well said: "Welcome to the Internet"

You shouldn't give a **** about such assholes; who knows, maybe an Israeli stole their former girlfriend or something. Worst punishment for such trolls is ignoring them completely - they only expose their own social idiocy (social IQ is uncorrelated to chess skill, although I'm starting to think that there's even an inverse relationship - remember Bobby Fischer!).

BTW, I'm not such a Jew-lover myself (I really dislike Israel's foreign policies - nothing to do with the people), but I want to point out that a surprisingly large number of chess champions and grandmasters have been of Jewish descent ;)

thibault: I disagree, lichess is as great as it is because it's so open (not only as source code). Stricter moderation on forums/chat wouldn't be so bad (and even that is debatable), but it's a HUGE commitment. I'm sure both you and your userbase prefer that you spent this time writing code, not tackling politics.

That said, racism of any kind is perhaps the only thing that shouldn't be tolerated.
an anon:

"Stricter moderation on forums/chat wouldn't be so bad [...] but it's a HUGE commitment."

I agree with the first part, but Lichess could put in place more user-moderators, with simple muting capabilities.

It doesn't matter if its open or not, sometimes, there is a line which cannot be crossed. People should learn to control themselves; their opinion can hurt others and cause many conflicts, which would affect other users simply trying to play chess here. If one person cannot control themselves from their outbursts, regardless of their beliefs, than that one person should be reprimanded.

"racism of any kind is perhaps the only thing that shouldn't be tolerated."

Racism, bigotry or hate comments shouldn't be tolerated. Soft cursing is permitted, but downright hate is most certainly NOT soft cursing.
well i could be one :P
this one doesn't require source coding right thibby?
If it were not for the females giving such good head.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I would agree. Those aren't my accounts btw

I realize this is not your idea, but I'm going to speak to you directly in the event you're considering it. Chat moderation is a slippery slope. Anytime you start talking about mods and censure, you risk losing focus on what's important -- a badass chess site. Don't worry about what people say regardless of its nature. You're not responsible for it and in no way should you busy yourself with its insignificance. Users can find a group or groups they like and stay in those circles for stimulating conversation with like-minded players.

Does anyone use The mods there are obnoxious, intolerant a-holes. I loathe that site. Lichess doesn't need that. A Mod is a gatekeeper with an inflated sense of importance. In my opinion, you need mods to mod the mods and more mods to mod the mods modding the mods... It's a ridiculous idea.

This site is great even with the jewkillers and rednecks and Chess Champions of the World (and noisivelet's) littering the chat forums with hatred and nonsense and irreverent prattle.

"an anon" is right when he says that the worst thing you can do to a troll is ignore them. Their sole purpose is to get attention and provoke you. Ignore them, and they die.

But everyone who denounces racism, hatred, or bigotry of any kind is right that it has no place here. Unfortunately, that's like saying stinky farts have no place in the atmosphere. Whatchoo gonna do bout it, huh?

Peace out, niggas.

I think there should be a moderate chess chat language restriction were maybe there could be a place to report such things as this like, were if reasonable proof is given like photographic evidence then they will be temporarily suspended for maybe a week or two or a day or maybe even just a few hours
I'm tempted to agree with noisivelet on that one. I'm not responsible of the nonsense written by people on lichess. If someone insults you by telephone, you won't sue the phone company

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