

2 days ago i had 3 people saying some sort of scam like 1 player said will make website for you and other said sub to me and i will give you 2 members for your team (yep i have a small team 2 members means a lot to me) and the last scamer said I can make a logo for anything or your teams and your profile I make for free Please contact me if you want 1 beautiful logo that is what the last person said

why is this happening? and does it happen to you? and reporting is such a small case won't lichess just ignore it?
"You either get scammed, or you live long enough to see yourself become the scammer." -Harvey Dent
Lichess handles all reports. If they are spamming your lichess imbox then you can press the report button in the inbox
Are you loud, but saying nothing?

If talkers tried a bit more silence, they would learn a whole lot more.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec odio odio, pharetra at ante quis, tristique suscipit mi. Donec ultrices velit a metus hendrerit rutrum. Vestibulum massa augue, elementum ut turpis quis, maximus fermentum urna. Ut elementum, purus vel porta tincidunt, nisi ipsum euismod justo, cursus euismod erat eros id enim. Sed vulputate interdum ex a cursus. Ut diam ipsum, dictum in pharetra in, euismod quis massa. Aenean pharetra in nunc non commodo. Maecenas congue interdum urna eu aliquet. Nunc a interdum augue, et eleifend ligula.

Nullam ornare luctus odio, sit amet pulvinar massa ornare vitae. Nulla nec purus arcu. Praesent rutrum diam eu tellus sodales tincidunt. Phasellus sed tempor risus. Aenean porttitor scelerisque nibh nec ultricies. Aenean vulputate fermentum tortor. Cras at lacus interdum, efficitur tortor sed, ultricies risus.

Morbi metus odio, vulputate quis est sed, congue hendrerit tellus. Phasellus ullamcorper nibh orci, in cursus quam elementum sit amet. Aliquam in metus ac tellus finibus condimentum. Praesent pretium mauris ligula, vitae lacinia lectus vulputate vel. Nunc nisl nunc, faucibus quis turpis id, vestibulum fermentum est. Duis fermentum ipsum sem, ut malesuada metus gravida mollis. Donec eu felis nisl. Etiam vitae sodales elit. Quisque neque ante, venenatis eu nulla quis, feugiat consectetur justo. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris at luctus lectus. Nullam eget orci in lorem tempus feugiat. Praesent mollis mollis augue eu eleifend. Ut faucibus risus diam, vel vehicula tellus pulvinar ac.

Curabitur dictum eget ipsum eget malesuada. Sed turpis metus, vehicula sed hendrerit id, pellentesque ac nisi. Mauris laoreet elit a nunc interdum consectetur. Phasellus non sem dolor. Nunc ac libero dignissim, gravida risus ac, dictum lacus. Integer interdum ante id eleifend volutpat. Phasellus auctor purus eget bibendum hendrerit. In aliquet dapibus lacinia. Vivamus nec vulputate velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam ultricies mattis ex ac viverra. Duis hendrerit ipsum eu diam euismod interdum.

Ut non elit ut arcu convallis fringilla. Nullam condimentum et felis eu dignissim. Praesent pellentesque velit enim, at porttitor ante placerat ac. Integer sit amet viverra enim. Etiam felis magna, aliquam et eleifend non, congue at urna. Ut tempor urna id arcu varius, sed fermentum magna cursus. In sit amet nisl ultricies, rutrum elit sit amet, suscipit neque. Nunc non magna sit amet lectus volutpat pellentesque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed tincidunt, lacus eu convallis pulvinar, turpis ante rutrum ex, sagittis consequat quam purus a tortor. Ut bibendum enim sit amet massa tempus, eget scelerisque ligula rhoncus. Morbi nec auctor lacus. Proin vulputate arcu quis nulla porttitor consectetur. Praesent imperdiet tincidunt diam, vitae sagittis nisi. Donec nulla erat, sodales quis ligula quis, tempus semper neque.
@ChessWhiz yep new it you cpyed that did'nt you it is like that joke

how do you fill a page of code
answer: Ctrl C and then Ctrl V
i used google translate on what you said, and this is what came out:

Till hate hate quiver at the man, sad it takes me. and desire to help you. Manufacturing mass propaganda, any element may be complicated, the biggest warm pot. To element, chili or gateway developers, but very Performance therapy, there was a peanut that is running Performance. But sometimes from a booster. him, said Fudge in, any mass Performance. Cras to now no advantage. Maecenas Planning pot sometimes football bananas. Now a protein propaganda and deductible networks, sit pulvinar of life. Makeup diameter football members present land developers. But the long-boat laughter. temperature. Tomorrow, entrepreneurs sometimes become sales, but laughter.

Fear, hate soccer, beef with anyone but, Planning Bureau region. Nam . Smartphones. Cras graduated mourning. Relay team at the time lorem. Present soft soft propaganda football deductible. As throat diameter of laughter or land vehicles and volleyball.

Chat that need it need largest developer by now sometimes enhanced. nor the dolor. And now free asset, pregnant smile and said tank. Before that sometimes an entire weekend deductible. Nam author of chili need drink Bureau. In Western protein skirt. Before the very first basketball set their jaws grief and clinical care; Even and a lot of pull. Bureau homework very Performance times.

When you do not convallis. Tomato sauce and football football asset. For kids outdoor present, but the airline and real estate. Pull the whole carrots. Even with gas, a deductible and no ante pot, but the course of a great warm-up. In a lot of players makeup developer carrots, receives no. Now he graduated with carrots weekend beating. Gluten. However, developers, entrepreneurs football valley, volleyball, ugly makeup of the arrows chili recipe as a macro. In order to drink a lot of mass time, the need Reserved chocolate orange. We use more and the author of the lakes. any one airline available. Present, but the arrows of life. Unfortunately, there was no hand, the members of ligula, the time is always no.

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