
What do you love about chess?

Past master Tarrasch expressed it better then anyone else:

The Game of Chess (1931), Preface

"Chess is a form of intellectual productiveness, therein lies, its peculiar charm. Intellectual productiveness is one of the greatest joys -if not the greatest one- of human existence. It is not everyone who can write a play, or build a bridge, or even make a good joke. But in chess everyone can, everyone must, be intellectually productive and so can share in this select delight. I have always a slight feeling of pity for the man who has no knowledge of chess, just as I would pity for the man who has no knowledge of love. Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make men happy."
It is wining games, that is the most fun for me. Sometimes i play a lot games with lower rated players just to win, we play unrated games. I also like when i play a game with few inaccuracy and all the moves are made quickly like no more than 2 sec for move.
Chess for me is a creative outlet, and sharing ideas is the greatest joy in the game. The thing I enjoy most is crushing with or being crushed by obscure opening preparation, the feeling of being shown something clever and thinking "Wow, I didn't know you could do that".

I did not start really studying the game until maybe two years ago, so for me it still holds a sense of wonder.
I enjoy chess because it's something that occupy my mind for hours and hours. There are other ways to entertain oneself, of course, but for some reason, I find thinking about chess positions to be very pleasurable.

Maybe it's the human urge to make sense out of a seeming chaos which is driving me? Maybe it's the aesthetics of chess, because it's so geometrical? Maybe it's my way say to the outside world "screw you!" and shut myself in my own world? :D
I love competition (I'm only 43 but my body is so broken down sports are out of the question, lol), and chess is my favorite kind of competition... one on one.

Its good to stretch the brain muscles, and chess is very good at that. Sometimes I feel like my head will explode I'm thinking so hard. :P

And, of course, there is the 'art' side of chess... everyone loves a masterpiece, whether its your own or someone elses. ;}
Chess is a strange game...intriguing and complex yet frustrating and a bit scary. I like doing tactics and learning about chess more than playing. I like the rich history of chess.

I don't like that there is usually no communication during the games. It would probably be more fun to learn and play with someone who likes to teach others and play/analyze slow games than going it alone.
When I was a child I loved the beauty of the pieces and the atmosphere of concentration and dedicating (what seemed like) hours to just one game.

But most of all I loved to do my best and to improve, I loved the will power I had. I had never won a game of chess in my life so I had no idea how that felt but I was determined to improve, to do better the next game than I did the last game, I loved the fight and I loved to give a good fight, or any resistance.

Then I won my first game... and now I'm 33 and I have won so much that losing has started to feel like "I should have won that game" instead of "I want to do better the next game!".

As a child I didn't have the pride I have now, I just had determination, will power and the love of a good fight.

I want to go back to that!

Pride is baggage, rid me of that chit and just let me fight!

I love ❤️ the fact the game is the same for all people. If
I sit down and play against someone who talks a different launguage and from another country we are in conflict with, for this time we forget about all that and just play.

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