
Look Both Ways When You Cross The Road

I like how you used the term truck in chess.
I like news from your kid growing, that you might tie back to chess universe. For all of us who might forget that time we all went through.

The somber Rodin inspired thinker over the neglected chess board, is really depressed. I liked it.
Like the blues, it might offer the feeling a let out, that we are not alone to feel anymore. Yet the blog does not end there, it must not be the point.

The blend of chess board coordinate right in the middle of an analogy sentence, like a slip of the intent (if that is not the case, I don't care, my imagination does have misfires when I read, it wants its share of it). It might have been a shift in gear, the truck coming out of the board itself.

so me too back to chess. Are you not saying to shift ones thinking weight from move-chess to board imbibed chess (there is a glass in that introduction photographic composition, random connection question).

the player (I suppose not sitting there for just being there, like: oh no, who left a chess board on my table... not again!) is not really looking at the board.

move-chess. I guess this turn by turn plan rigidity, is a mini-example of plan induced tunnel vision. Not just about my agenda against move-chess is the only chess mentality. There is board chess. Look at the board.

And I do like the sideways ingredient. of course. The tree of decisions allows to do that at every branching point, but you know what, one can also keeping far from the current branching point, even their own past ideas that did not work before, can serve again in the next context that is more visible. Pay attention not just to your plan, or the latest moved piece, but the whole board all the time (in mind as well, strive to look at it).

I long for a chess where the board would be enough, and I could have no need for depth first long move-chess sequences to clutter my attic while playing. more space to enjoy the wealth of 2D information, and not worry about the stakes being lost form lack of spolier storage.

here comes board-chess.

Can one really walk out between chess moves? (yes I admit, there are hand moved things on the board between the board positions). Can one pace around? I do my best thinking away from the board/keyboard. An ice rink would be great too, make a few rounds, come back refreshed, wait, that was the position I actually had?