
I hate myself

@MrPushwood said in #10:
> @ThatRandomPerson111 Aw shuddup (and learn to take a joke--or even recognize one). And no thanks for your time.
Hey buddy, if u wanna joke go to off-topic discussion. I'm trying to get an analysis on my game. Nobody wants to hear ur cringe ahh jokes.
> Hey buddy, if u wanna joke go to off-topic discussion. I'm trying to get an analysis on my game. Nobody wants to hear ur cringe ahh jokes.

You entitled this thread “I hate myself.” What did you expect? If you don’t want anyone to say anything about the subject, next time choose a less dramatic one. As it is, people are bound to make some reference to it, whether sympathetic (#2) or unsympathetic (#3).

MrPushwood has many times offered helpful analysis in this subforum, and like all good writers he is perfectly capable of being serious and making a joke at the same time. Besides, there is nothing “off topic” about his comment here, as it pertains directly to the subject of this thread. I haven’t spoken to him — and heaven knows he doesn’t need me to defend him — but I infer that he was simply unimpressed with the game in question (what’s to analyze? the blunder is obvious), and/or the clickbait title. (You’re effectively begging for sympathy; he reacted without any — as I’m sure many here have, though most will have kept silent.)

Also, you are quite incorrect that no one here appreciates it when the awkward tension in a thread like this is eased somewhat by a timely retort. :-) For me, his comment was the highlight! And don’t even get me started on the “cringe” aspect, as this whole thread is cringe — and that’s your fault, not his.
@pawnedge said in #13:
> #12:
> You entitled this thread “I hate myself.” What did you expect? If you don’t want anyone to say anything about the subject, next time choose a less dramatic one. As it is, people are bound to make some reference to it, whether sympathetic (#2) or unsympathetic (#3).
> MrPushwood has many times offered helpful analysis in this subforum, and like all good writers he is perfectly capable of being serious and making a joke at the same time. Besides, there is nothing “off topic” about his comment here, as it pertains directly to the subject of this thread. I haven’t spoken to him — and heaven knows he doesn’t need me to defend him — but I infer that he was simply unimpressed with the game in question (what’s to analyze? the blunder is obvious), and/or the clickbait title. (You’re effectively begging for sympathy; he reacted without any — as I’m sure many here have, though most will have kept silent.)
> Also, you are quite incorrect that no one here appreciates it when the awkward tension in a thread like this is eased somewhat by a timely retort. :-) For me, his comment was the highlight! And don’t even get me started on the “cringe” aspect, as this whole thread is cringe — and that’s your fault, not his.

Okay, it doesn't take a genius to figure out you're just trying to get recognized by MrPushwood. And if he does defend you, I bet you it'll be just to defend himself.
Edit: Don't deny it.
> Okay, it doesn't take a genius to figure out you're just trying to get recognized by MrPushwood. And if he does defend you, I bet you it'll be just to defend himself.
> Edit: Don't deny it.

Deny what? And defend me how? I’m honestly not sure what you mean. This is not my first forum post; I neither require nor desire anyone’s recognition for it. And what I said above speaks for itself, it needs no defense from anyone. I was polite; I took you down a peg without calling you any names. ;-) I am not at fault here.

What I did here is the same thing I’ve done recently in a few other threads: i.e., as politely as I could manage (and therein lies the exercise of writing), correct the OP for making a dumb mistake. (Which you did. Don’t deny it.) ;-) It’s nothing personal, concerning you or him. It’s just good practice communicating. :-)

I humbly advise you to grow up, get a life, quit wasting others’ time with inane drivel, and cease baselessly attacking those who tell you that’s what it is. Bye now.
You just need a plan...over protecting the b pawn and pushing the a pawn....theres a plan, it might not be the best but its still a plan.
'Even if it's a bad plan you must have a plan' Lasker
Or something like that :)
@pawnedge said in #15:
> I humbly advise you to grow up, get a life, quit wasting others’ time with inane drivel, and cease baselessly attacking those who tell you that’s what it is. Bye now.
I simply think this is a personal attack now and it is not humble. Also, why don't you also leave the argument?
> And don’t even get me started on the “cringe” aspect, as this whole thread is cringe — and that’s your fault, not his.
Also, how is posting a title "I hate myself" cringe? Have you seen yourself? We don't care that you majored in grammar and writing technique.
> I was polite
No, you were passive aggressive

Also, why did you even write this? Was there even any benefit?
Edit: I feel like you did not benifit anybody while posting this.

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