
Feedback on the new game chooser interface

я бы тебе сказал в чем здесь дело, только ты не поймешь, гыдарасина...
i see that thibault was forced to revert back to the unfriendly list...

i suggest that lichess could at least memorize (as it does with the last type of game you propose) your preference. so i don't have to switch to the graph everytime i start a game.

the list is so annoying...

in any case, thanks for everything thibault!

thanks for feedback!

It will remember the graph preference. Also in the pipes: sorting the list by Elo and time!
Horsehead is cool, but only once in a while. Chessboard is the coolest. I think the old list was cooler.
Horsehead graphic is too big. Sorta looks awkward.
Otherwise really like the list+graph options. Thanks for the good work!

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