
The Chatbanned Forumers forum

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<Comment deleted by user>
>I was chatbanned for nearly 9 months and then got unchatbanned 2 months >ago
>It was a horrible period
hello guys! I am here to clear your confusions about a few forum posters! as mentioned in your desc, ak888 is chatbanned for a purpose, for spamming, insulting and swearing. and, not as you all guys think, he did want to get chatbanned because the off topic forums are literally now "spam topic forums" or "advertising topic forums" he literally asked many of us to report him and he even mentioned in many forums that he wants to get chatbanned. though he is unchatbanned by your appeals, he will not be happy.
coming to tpr, a mod said that tpr was chatbanned for giving false information in a few forums. and, as you guys have a moto about giving a second chance, the mod also clearly mentioned that tpr was given many chances but he did not stop. ik, most of you might dislike this, but truth is truth. sadly, I don't remember which forum it was, I will share the info once I browse
coming to donya, I regret why I created the "is among us dead" topic. idk why she suddenly started talking that she wants to suicide because of her unhappy life, which is a crime in most of the countries. and as she wanted to commit a crime, she was hence chatbanned. I don't think crime can be given a second chance?
and, rneelagiri, as you know, I've investigated a lot about why did you get violated and I said you, I better not say here. coming to the point, you were probably chatbanned because of this. you said that there were literally even more worse people on lichess, and I guess that is kind of public shaming almost most of the lichess users. I am not sure about this, if it is correct or not, but this is my opinion.
I better don't talk about gadhavi_veerabadra, cuz he disliked the post when I mentioned what was the reason of his chatban, which clearly indicates that he was not happy with that answer. so I better don't pull it out for further arguments. but I think I was right in that forum, but that's your opinion so, I have nothing to say.
anymore doubts? idc if you dislike this post because you might be thinking on the side of eq (emotional quotient) but I thought in the side of iq (intelligence quotient). I can't give a better answer for this.
#7 I haven't seen many posts of ak888 even weeks before he was chatbanned, I only noticed he made a forum saying that he wanted to be chatbanned and lichess was too "nice" to ban him.

tpr was banned for continuously encouraging people who were banned to make another account (ban evasion), and he was warned multiple times (I had the forum where he was warned and banned, but I can't find it anymore) I am pretty sure the case of tpr is pretty solid with enough details. There is nothing to be done, no point to continue dwelling over.

I didn't know a lot about dOnYa's case beside the one person saying she was chatbanned, however now it sounds like she was chatbanned for expressing how she was feeling. Crime or not, suicide is a serious issue, and criminalizing suicide isn't going to stop suicide at all, if anything even increases it because criminalizing suicide and talking about committing suicide force people to keep it in and keep issues to themselves. Therefore, I don't think Lichess was right to ban dOnYa because she was suicidal. However, I don't know much of anything of her case, so I shouldn't be speaking about it.

I only recently learn about Rneelagiri's chat ban, but I really doubt that forum post would cause any trouble, as public shaming involves directly targeting players, not a large group, what Rneelagiri said there wasn't targeting or attacking anyone directly, only refering to an uncountable and unidentifiable number of players who done much worse

Gadhavi was chatbanned?

I am just responding to your post, and giving some information, I am not chatbanned btw.
@infinite2009 said in #7:
> hello guys! I am here to clear your confusions about a few forum posters! as mentioned in your desc, ak888 is chatbanned for a purpose, for spamming, insulting and swearing. and, not as you all guys think, he did want to get chatbanned because the off topic forums are literally now "spam topic forums" or "advertising topic forums" he literally asked many of us to report him and he even mentioned in many forums that he wants to get chatbanned. though he is unchatbanned by your appeals, he will not be happy.
> coming to tpr, a mod said that tpr was chatbanned for giving false information in a few forums. and, as you guys have a moto about giving a second chance, the mod also clearly mentioned that tpr was given many chances but he did not stop. ik, most of you might dislike this, but truth is truth. sadly, I don't remember which forum it was, I will share the info once I browse
> coming to donya, I regret why I created the "is among us dead" topic. idk why she suddenly started talking that she wants to suicide because of her unhappy life, which is a crime in most of the countries. and as she wanted to commit a crime, she was hence chatbanned. I don't think crime can be given a second chance?
> and, rneelagiri, as you know, I've investigated a lot about why did you get violated and I said you, I better not say here. coming to the point, you were probably chatbanned because of this. you said that there were literally even more worse people on lichess, and I guess that is kind of public shaming almost most of the lichess users. I am not sure about this, if it is correct or not, but this is my opinion.
> I better don't talk about gadhavi_veerabadra, cuz he disliked the post when I mentioned what was the reason of his chatban, which clearly indicates that he was not happy with that answer. so I better don't pull it out for further arguments. but I think I was right in that forum, but that's your opinion so, I have nothing to say.
> anymore doubts? idc if you dislike this post because you might be thinking on the side of eq (emotional quotient) but I thought in the side of iq (intelligence quotient). I can't give a better answer for this.
@Gadhavi_Veerbhadra was chatb anned for pretending to be a mod does it make sense as that was the reason he got

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