
chess quotes

I think crazyhouse improves your chess - ChessNetwork
"All that matters on the chessboard is good moves.” - Bobby Fischer
"... The life of many grandmasters is perhaps not what the average club player imagines. While some work hard at the game, many do not. A life-style of getting up at midday, playing over a few games from Informator, watching some television, looking at an opening for an hour or so and then going out for a few beers is not uncommon. Of course, this is a gross simplification and there are many hard-working and well-organized grandmasters (there are also some who manage without the Informator and opening analysis parts of the day). ..." - GM John Nunn (1997)
@kindaspongey said in #7:
> "... The life of many grandmasters is perhaps not what the average club player imagines. While some work hard at the game, many do not. A life-style of getting up at midday, playing over a few games from Informator, watching some television, looking at an opening for an hour or so and then going out for a few beers is not uncommon. Of course, this is a gross simplification and there are many hard-working and well-organized grandmasters (there are also some who manage without the Informator and opening analysis parts of the day). ..." - GM John Nunn (1997)

Yeah he sounds like Wolf of Wall street, but since gms pay 5000 Dollar or more for their gm Seconds, i have a hard time believing they do that to have their beer Lifestyle.

Though Nigel short might go wine drinking.
Though retired gms who only play occassional Rent playing Games might do so. But active gms, If you are not alexander grischuk, i dont think so.
"When [Reuben] Fine switched his major interest from chess to psychoanalysis, the result was a loss for chess – and a draw, at best, for psychoanalysis."
Gilbert Cant in an article ‘Why They Play: The Psychology of Chess’ on pages 44-45 of Time, 4 September 1972


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