
I am so confused

Was this guy thinking he was playing antichess?

Also Stockfish calls the old benoni an inaccuacy
I think he just got really frustrated after blundering the first or second time he essentially gave up :)

I normally prefer entering the benoni via Nf6 and e6. Maybe its worth checking out if Stockfish has a line only seen with 1...c5 that favours white
Stockfish is weak at openings without access to his opening book. You should ignore Stockfish comments in openings.
@Gymhgy Well if he thought he was playing anti chess then on move 3 white should be forced to take d7.

Some players when they are losing after a blunder they will sort of throw all their pieces at you for free in an attempt to save face.

Imagine it like you see a person walking then they trip, and fell, but they get back up to trip and fall again... and again... It's so they can be like "Oh I blundered that first time on purpose see I'm just throwing pieces away left, and right"

When in reality it's an attempt to both save face, and save the humiliation of a losing position to be as short as possible.

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