
game analysis feature - evaluation error

i wanted to see what computer says about one of my games that i thought it was interesting and i was quite surprised when i saw that stockfish changes its mind from score (-10) to (#5) without saying anything (maybe moves other than Qxf7 also loses but i didn't analyze them)

besides this situation i saw first time and wanted to show it to you, i would like to ask you how stockfish is analysing ours games. is its analysis based on time per move or maybe time per full game or fixed ply?

i am almost sure it is analyzed from the beginning to the end of game. having same experience with fritz program (df12) i think that the analysis of whole game (not one move) should be done backwards. what does it change? an engine always sees at least one ply deeper and also it is not so blind for some tactical sacrifices that it omits in beginning-ending queue.

the game was three-check mode but i think it works for all kind of variant of chess.

p.s. i didn't play Rg5 heh

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