
Trophies, ratings etc

It used to be the case that a player who was in the top 1% had a virtual trophy on their profile; players whose ratings were >1500 could also see where they ranked out of all the players.

Now, only the top 10 players are ranked and have virtual trophies.

1) Please can we bring back the ranking? It was useful and a real motivator. I understand that, with split ratings, an overall ranking is probably unfeasible; but surely you clever people can show people's rankings in the different 3 standard categories at least?

2) Please would you consider some kind of trophy system for those outside of the top 10? For instance, one could gain different coloured ones for different achievements, e.g. reaching different ratings or beating players >500 points ahead etc.

I'm sure all the really good players and admin will consider it a bit sad and say we should just concentrate on playing chess... but if it works, encourages, and provides a bit of an extra buzz for competitors, it has to be good for the site.

Thanks for listening.
There are others. Last time I checked I had a trophy for top 100 bullet players (it's now top 50, but I've not played much recently, so that's weird).

I think there are trophies right now for top 100, top 50, top 10, and top 1 (Champion).

Having said that, I agree that perhaps some indication of overall rank for each of the ratings might be nice to have.
OneOfThQ is correct, there are trophies for top 100, 50, 10, and 1 (the champion).

We initially wanted it to be percentage based, how they were previously, but due to technical limitations this wasn't possible.

Rankings will be coming back for the individual ratings. There just isn't a good implementation for them yet.
I like the new idea with virtual trophies: Champion! Top 10! Top 100!
Maybe if instead of "Top 50!" to do "Top 1000!" then more players will be happy. Also I think it can stimulate to play new variants of chess. And play more often.
Sorry my English.
I was (and am) personally on the side of having a top 1000 trophy as well. There are files and images for such an extension, but internally it was voted against.
Trophies are really good Idea,
Clarkey,What do You think about Cottilions for Team Leader?
It would be nice,I think
I suggest the creation of trophies for everyone who knows how to castle queen side.
If I could vote I would vote against "top 1000 trophy" only because right now I guess (ok, it`s a wild guess) it would probably give trophies to every single active player, and not only in variants. But top 200 and maybe also top 400 (trophy or maybe medal) would fit the "amount of satisfied players" criteria and make good sense.

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