
Can I beat stockfish level 8?- Day 12

@JKS369 said in #5:
> Bd2 attacks it's bishop, and if it captures then you take back with your king and your rook is now attacking his knight.
Bd2 is an absolute blunder, Rd2+ and it's game over for us.
@Anya6446 said in #9:
> c3 allows Nxc3+ bxc3, Bxc3 forking the rooks. It's a hopeless position but I would probably play Rf1 which might avoid losing material immediately.

And how about not taking the knight? Nc3 kf1 or similar? You do not have the fork, and you have a „threat“ of a discovery check. Like nc6 checking the king and threatening the rook and bishop?

And if he moves the knight you can still move the rook?

But i get your point.
@magicsacrifblunder said in #12:
> And how about not taking the knight? Nc3 kf1 or similar? You do not have the fork, and you have a „threat“ of a discovery check. Like nc6 checking the king and threatening the rook and bishop?
> And if he moves the knight you can still move the rook?
> But i get your point

Nxc3, Kf1, Rd1!
@Anya6446 said in #14:
> Nxc3, Kf1, Rd1!

And? You trade rooks, bring the bishop out, what should be done a long time ago, and where is the knight going?
@magicsacrifblunder said in #12:
> And how about not taking the knight? Nc3 kf1 or similar? You do not have the fork, and you have a „threat“ of a discovery check. Like nc6 checking the king and threatening the rook and bishop?
> And if he moves the knight you can still move the rook?
> But i get your point

Nxc3, Kf1, Rd1!
@magicsacrifblunder said in #15:
> And? You trade rooks, bring the bishop out, what should be done a long time ago, and where is the knight going?

If you bring the Bishop out it can take the pawn on B2.
@TheKingClash said in #10:
> Rf1 minimises material loss, so I will go with that.

Does not the king stays in the centre, black plays castle, pin the knight, and your knight is lost? Or somehow bring the rook to the e file, play f6, knight move, and you give a double check winning the rook?

The minimal material loss is to give up a pawn instead of the knight! But i can be wrong here

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