
Chess Jokes, anyone?

What chess piece is the opposite of day?

Answer: The knight!
How do you say thank you to a pawn?
Give them a promotion.
What kind of chess tactic is a utensil that helps you eat food in a non-messy way?

A fork!
What chess tactic fired the bishops on h7, h2, f7, and f2?

Sacking! (Sacrificing) Get it?
What type of chess piece is used in rock, paper scissors?
The rook!
What's the best file in chess?
The B file, because there are 8 B-squares and 4 B-shops!
What kind of buses do horses take in Harry Potter to get to their destanation?
The Knight Bus!
(Get it?)
What is the primary duty of the knight?
To protect their own territory.
Okay, so what's their secondary duty?
To fertilize the opponents territory.

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