
Game Completion Rate

I am very proud of the fact that I have never EVER rage quit a game or abandoned one before the end.

To that end I'm perplexed by the loss of my 100% completion rate, which is suddenly down to 95%!

Please explain it, someone?
By Benelos, maybe your opponent never joined the game or was disconnected before the end. The game completion rate does not only relate to your side of the board. For example, if your opponent does not play his first move, you have to abort the game before you find a new opponent ; that game nonetheless appears in your game file and counts for the completion rate.
By Jupiter, that makes sense; but what doesn't is the fact that for nearly 30000 games I had a 100% rate throughout numerous disconnections and incompletions!
AND now my completion rate is back up to 100%!!!

Should I trust the lichess stats ever again? That's the next question :D
The game completion rate only counts the last 12 games
Hi Solal!

Does it really? That's kind of weird! I play about 12 games in 30 minutes often. Similarly, the "favourite opponent" counts only the last 1000 games, I believe.

Where do they get their random number decisions from, I wonder...
Thanks rondep. How are you? :)

I don't get the point of it though. Does anyone think this is a worthwhile thing?
I think it’s more relevant to only count the last 20 games because:
If a player who normally resign and don’t abort games is on a very bad day for some reason, it would be possible to detect it by its completion rate (let’s say if he abort one game out of 2, he will have a completion rate of 50%). If the completion rate would have count all the games and if this player would have played a lot, a bad day affect it. (20 or even 100 games aborted the same day, out of 1000+ would just change its completion rate to 90%)

And if a player regullary abort, it will be shown either in it’s completion rate.

Hope my argumentation is clear enough ;)

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