
about cheaters

Yea maybe I'm salty but I have a hard time believing that I'm playing actual humans in a blitz game when the post game analysis shows my opponents makes zero mistake zero blunder with an average centipawn loss of under 20 in a 50 plus move game. What the fuck? Feeling like there's no opening in their game play the whole game and I can't help but to feel helplessness, same feeling when playing computers. Can we get rid of those cheaters plz? Seriously they cheat in blitz?
I can understand having that big of a performance in classical chess but no way they are playing without an engine in a 5 min game.
Send a report about it and the person can be banned if the mods conclude they were cheating . Posting about it here won't do anything
I think I ran into an engine as well. A selective user however. When a 2000+ plays with near perfect tactical accuracy, with a 7 avg. centipawn loss and no blunders...I dunno, maybe I am tired and imagining things. Oh well.
No, I am in full agreement here. There are a large amount of individuals using chessbase to make moves. I would not even pay much attention to inaccuracies, mistakes, and blunders on the analysis; put two computer programs against each other and they are going to do something inaccurate simply because of the limits of the game. Chess has billions of combinations, but there is a limit, and there certainly is a limit to "good" positions.

Often, I laugh at the intensity of the cheating on this site, I mean, what else can you do but laugh at someone with a rating of 1650 playing like they have a rating of 2100.

There is nothing lichess can do. Computers destroyed chess and at the same time made it brilliant.

Just lose and move on. Blocking does little. The criminal mind has many accounts..... oh conspiracy!!!!
Well, the AI / algorithms are well tuned and will catch them out by far better than your gut feeling. It‘s close to an DNA test. This ACPL is only a small part of the equation - but that‘s all YOU have.

Report and relax.

Remember: there’s hardly any weed grown against cheating in advance. I have always the feeling you complain that one cannot prevent it from scratch.
Blitz cheting is less than 1%. Only issue is cheat at 15+15 and similar.

50 plus move might be an indicator of fair game. Cheaters mostly win in 30 moves or less
I think chess will now slowly die. How can we continue to pretend we enjoy the game when computers can play it better? And stockfish 9 is free. Anyone can cheat. What is the point?

Just go on youtube and search "lichess cheating" or something. See how many people try it and have some code to hack the site.

I can imagine this is a depressing reality for online chess, so they ban us talking about it in forums.
@ih8us4maDiC2 there are and will be cheaters all the time, there is no way to catch and ban them all. Sometimes it's kid just having fun with friends, sometimes it's raged guy who lost 5 games in a row, sometimes it's some pathetic citizen who just likes to always win so he "helps himself" a little in critical moments "only" :) etc.
You are not salty, your emotions are understandable, just keep on playing ;)

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