
Playing my first OTB tournament. Any advice?

At the beginning of August, I'll be playing in my first ever CFC rated event here in my hometown. I know there are a lot of experienced players on this site, so I thought I would take the opportunity to try and get some advice on the do's and don't-s of OTB tournament play.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Try not to blunder and think as good as on the net... Otb is more psychology i think... good luck!
Hit the clock with the same hand as you move the pieces. Otherwise some opponents will get very pissed :D

I had to sit on my left hand to prevent doing it accidentally...
1. Don't hang pieces
2. Capture your opponent's hanging pieces
3. Have fun :p

Don't believe in psychology....Believe in good moves!
Remember that they are just as scared of you as you might be of them; so let THEM make the blunders.
I only been in one otb tourny when i was 7, i only won 1 game out of 10, never played in an otb tournament again
Do your thing.

My first OTB tournament, I blundered in the black side of an exchange French (not that I knew it was drawish) before going in to win my next two ganes (total of three).

So, pay attention. On your opponent's turn, look for plans and on yours look for the best move. Make sure you understand why your opponent made his move (it might be nonsensical).

Talk to yourself. Not out loud. Eg. "I would like to play Rd7 but his bishop is controlling that square. On the other hand, I could...." Eventually, these ideas might end up in you finding a tactic, a plan or when your opponent makes a move he might allow one of your ideas.

Try and look at the whole board and calculate forcing moves first. Checks, threats etc.

Good luck!
Use the time given and play your best chess. And don´t get upset if you start with something like 0/4. That´s nomal for the beginning. Just try to learn something
And don´t accept draw offers unless the position is a dead draw. A lot of people like to offer draws when their position is worse
Try to stay calm, dont forget the rules. And the most important thing enjoy the game :)

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