
Candidates 2020 - FIDE declares "safety is our priority"

You have to die - that is true. Most likely it will not be corona. Gods speed to those that have died and died from corona.
Please choose to live life and not hide forever.
@Rarelyadraw This is usually a good philosophy of life. Of course you can stay home and die by falling from the stairs... But in the present case, if many people decide to live normally, they may infect others who just wanted to survive during one month and go back to normal life later on. I think it is not reasonable not to respect other people choices in this situation. And the priority should go to people who want to avoid getting the disease, since they are already making efforts and sacrifices to stop its spread...
I believe most things are shut down but eight players should be easily managed. Let me know what occurs if the outbreak occurs in two months or later. We will have to shutdown again or stay shutdown for 3 months or longer. Hopefully not so but this could go on till they get a vaccine(1-1 1/2 years approx.) Economy would not be so great and neither will our savings. At some point we should choose to live life again with all of its ups and downs. Peace and good luck.
If the death rate was eg. 2% of the whole world's population (that is 70% get infected and approx. 3% death rate), that would mean over 150,000,000 deaths. Before it ends, hospitals will be so crowded that it will be difficult to cure other conditions too.

On the other hand, it may take a year to get the vaccine, but a drug might be found sooner than that. The slower the pandemic spreads, the more time there is to find a working drug.
@laatikko So what is your solution? Quarantine and crash the economy for months until there is a drug to combat coronavirus?

Don't forget, when unemployment goes up, people also die because of suicides, lack of healthcare, going homeless, etc. Ruining the economy and have people die seems counterproductive.
So what is your solution? Quarantine and crash the economy for months until there is a drug to combat coronavirus?

The only thing to do ,is limit the number of infections, and the only method is quarantine,even at the cost of economic sacrifice.There aren' t any other solutions now.

i understand why people understimate the situation.Was the same for me....,one month ago.
@breaker90 My solution? I don't know what exactly should be done - besides large scale testing and avoiding all absolutely unnecessary social interaction - except not to downplay the problem and not to make assumptions. South-Korea seemed to handle the situation mainly with systematic testing and surveillance, but it might be they have to consider quarantines too now that the second wave is possibly hitting Asia.
China sent home US reporters since the President already sent home their reporters so we will not know much about China.
So how long do you want isolation? If it is that contagious this will go on for a long time. Multiple stages of outbreak could easily happen. See you when the vaccine is created. Stocks will be interesting. Fear of death is fueling huge purchases of hand sanitizer and much group think. Meanwhile millions of people from Syria are living who knows where and Lebanon’s economy crashed unrelated to corona. Enjoy each day because you are fortunate. Just a side note of offbeat humor is that you cannot eat hand sanitizer.

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