
How to get better at chess ?

Well, I've gotten to 2000 in 10+5 recently, and around that level what decides most games is still simple mistakes\oversights. I would say listening to good players commentating (like peter leko and tania schadev in the last opera tournament), solving puzzles, not forgetting to study the endgame are all good ways to improve. Play games and analyze them with the engine afterwards. Try to not tilt and you will be golden!
@PixelatedParcel that was a very hardcore post
If you really wanna get stronger
Woudnt jt be better if you ask this
You know .........
I forgot my stove on:)
Play with players who are better then you... There is no need they to be really good, just a little better than you...


That said, all I did was "copy and paste" the content from a reply I had previously sent to a member of my Lichess "Adult Improvers" team and associated Discord.

At least this way, a few more people may benefit from the information since this stuff is likely to stay in this forum as long as Lichess is operating...
How to get better at chess?
Play better. Play with better players. Watch better players play. Seek advice from better players.
So, I haven't read this whole thread yet, but I have an observation from lurking on similar threads: I see a lot of people saying "don't play bullet or blitz it creates bad habits," well, what about rapid? And also I rarely get a match quickly when I choose classical so I usually end up picking rapid at 10 minutes. Say someone doesn't want to play the computer/Stockfish all the time but wants to play classical, what are we to do, wait probably longer than the game will take (yeah it's a 30 min clock but a lot of the games don't take 30 mins) to match? (Sorry if this sounded snarky, that wasn't my intent, just wondering as I so often see, "play on classical" as advice and notice it's tough at times to find a match on classical quickly compared to almost any other mode)

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