
Any tips to stop blundering pieces in blitz?

The best way to reduce blunders is to train with tactics.
Do puzzles, puzzles and puzzles. That's really responsible for amount of blunders by one in general.
@TheKingClash said in #1:
> Nearly all my games today were won or lost because of piece blunders. For example in these games:
> Has anyone got any tips on how to stop blundering pieces in blitz? Sometimes I think 10 seconds or more and still forget that my piece is under attack, or even miss the threat altogether. And also, how to spot an opponent's hanging piece quickly?

Flag 'em! Atleast, that's what I (try to) do.
You cannot stop. Even MC blunders pieces.

First step: change your mindset, you cannot „stop“ blunders.
@TheKingClash said in #1:
> Nearly all my games today were won or lost because of piece blunders. For example in these games:
> Has anyone got any tips on how to stop blundering pieces in blitz? Sometimes I think 10 seconds or more and still forget that my piece is under attack, or even miss the threat altogether. And also, how to spot an opponent's hanging piece quickly?

do puzzles

epik answer in a nutshell haha

just practice puzzles with the same theme and maybe turn on move confirmation? (imo move confirmation takes time so not advisable)
Watch out for traps! Do Prophylaxis! And that will be all.
Among top grandmasters the Dutch is a rare defense, which is good reason to play it! It has not been studied very deeply by many opponents, and theory, based on a small number of 'reliable' games, must be rather unreliable.

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