
Why is Local Analysis so Slow?

It takes at least 5 seconds to show the score. This is really slow. I would like to have it show the score instantly, and be able to scroll through the moves quickly, even if the evaluation is not accurate yet.
I wonder why it is slow, and on the other hand, Stockfish level 8 plays the moves instantly. Is it because my computer is slow or something?

Thank you.
I would assume the limitation is due to your machine. I'm also not sure of why you would want an incorrect evaluation over a correct one. If it's slowing down your computer, just toggle it off and send it for computer analysis instead, which will be faster.

Bear in mind that the Stockfish level 8 that you play is capped to think for 2 seconds or around 20 ply, whichever is shorter, so it is quite significantly weaker than the engine analysis.
Hi Cynosure.

I don't want an incorrect evaluation over a correct one. I want the evaluation to show instantly even if it is not accurate yet, and when I leave it for a few seconds, it would get more accurate.

And no, it is not about slowing down my computer, or whether I should send it for computer analysis. Sometimes I am curious about a certain position, and I build in in the board editor, and see the evaluation.

Also, I remember using BabasChess, and it shows the evaluation the instant you make a move. Of course, it would take a few seconds to get more accurate, but at least you get an idea of the position immediately.
That's understandable - although the current local analysis is doing that for me. Perhaps it's the limitation in your machine? I just tested it on a game, I had just played, and it took around 2 seconds to show a value (-9.3, not in my favour - oh dear) before fluctuating and settling on -9.1. I then moved quickly through some other moves, with it fairly quickly providing a value (within one or two seconds). (By the endgame I'd got down to -2.3! Either amazing play from me, or shocking play from him).

I'm not sure if there's much that can be done about this other than you just having to wait a bit longer for the analysis - I could be wrong though, the inner workings of lichess are largely a mystery to me.
Just to be clear, I didn't mean how fast until it completes the evaluation, but rather how fast it starts it. I have no problem with how long it takes to complete the evaluation.
Yep, that's what I meant in the post above - to show a value, it takes about 2 seconds for me to immediately show something, and then it's near instant for any position after that (for me). It's likely limited by your machine.
Oh, Yeah you're right. At the start, it takes a long time, but then it takes 1 seconds, but it still occasionally take 5 or 6 seconds. I would say it happens 25% of the time.

But when I go to analysis board, or when I make moves that weren't played in the game (sidelines), it takes 5 seconds pretty much 50% of the time, and it's just too frustrating. I guess it could be my computer then.

Thanks Cynosure.

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