
Why clinics in England stopped using puberty blockers on children.

The only reason not to give life-saving, identity-affirming drugs and hormones to children is hate. Hate and bigotry, plain and simple. If MAGA nazis in Europe want to halt medical care to kids, they will have to guess again.

PRIDE will not be stopped. Period.
Imo, puberty is the way of life. If you dislike your own body, you can change it later in your life. Teenagers are very, sudden with their choices. Maybe someday when they are 20-something, they will come to regret this decision. 13 years old is too little of an age to decide whether or not you want to have a woman's body for life (or a man's body).
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@Aonrathon said in #2:
> The only reason not to give life-saving, identity-affirming drugs and hormones to children is hate. Hate and bigotry, plain and simple. If MAGA nazis in Europe want to halt medical care to kids, they will have to guess again.
> PRIDE will not be stopped. Period.

They way I saw it, it seemed like they're going to provide HRT earlier instead of puberty blockers (at least that seemed like a reasonable course of action based on the data presented), but maybe I misunderstood.
@i_liek_wazmatz said in #3:
> 13 years old is too little of an age to decide whether or not you want to have a woman's body for life (or a man's body).

But not choosing to have a woman's body might mean choosing to have a man's body and vice versa. If they are denied the choice they want, it seems much more likely to me that they regret it later then if they were given the choice they want.
@AsDaGo said in #6:
> it seems much more likely to me that they regret it later

Not only, it has been proven. The regret percentage, often brought up by the religious and other right-wing political agendas, is extremely low for teens who transitioned.
Like usual, this is just religious people inventing fake scientific claims to support their mythology. I don't think that's hate, it's more often fear.
@AsDaGo said in #5:
> They way I saw it, it seemed like they're going to provide HRT earlier instead of puberty blockers (at least that seemed like a reasonable course of action based on the data presented), but maybe I misunderstood.
Every newborn baby should be transitioned immediately after birth. Only by all of us living as the opposite gender can transfolx have equality.

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