
Dear Lichess... I Challenge Myself To An Eaglethon!

ChessChess Personalities
Today marks the day i was born and as part of my celebration... I have created a challenge for myself!

The challenge sounds simple! I am going to write and publish 100 articles in the next 30 days. Basically from 08/07/2022 - 06/08/2022.

This isn't an easy challenge, authors would know that it takes a lot of effort and energy to write an article. The process will include researching various topics, creating logos, and actually writing the articles.

This challenge will see me writing and publishing approximately 3.33 articles per day. I have grouped the articles in the following categories:

  1. World Champions: (20 articles) These articles will focus on each of the players who have and are currently called Chess World Champions.
  2. General Knowledge: (40 articles) People tend to ask some general questions like who is Hikaru's girlfriend(I seriously asked google this question a few minutes before writing this article). I will write this article according to the chess search engines.
  3. Gameplay: (20 articles) This category will see me writing articles that focus on the opening, middlegame, and endgame these include tactics and positional play!
  4. A book: (20 chapters) I will deliver a few chapters of a book I want to write. These chapters won't have images as it takes an artist a few days to draw a single image and we don't have a lot of time on this challenge.

Generally, it will be around 3 articles per day! In some cases 4 articles. In the event I don't release at all it means I was drunk or tired but I will finish my task!

The end goal is to just celebrate this day in fashion. I believe these articles will improve the SOE rankings in the long run. (You can ask Google about SOE and how it improved but writing articles is one way to improve it)

In a few years' time, the knowledge written in the articles will still be useful to the upcoming chess players and you!